Making a search limit available to search profiles

By default, all defined search limits are optional search limits that are available (but not visible) to patrons of all search profiles. To make a search limit available only to certain search profiles, use the Assign Limit to Profiles option.

Search limits must be available to a search profile before an administrator can select which search limits will be visible as optional search limits, or will be applied automatically to searches as enforced search limits. To enable the search limit for a profile, choose Profiles > Configure Search Limits configuration option. For more information, see Configuring search limits for a search profile.

When you make a search limit available to a profile, you must re-index your data and refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache. After you complete these tasks, the search limit will be available for selection when enabling search limits for a profile.

To make a search limit available to a certain search profile

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Search Limits from the navigation pane.
  3. Find the search limit that you want to make available to one or more particular search profiles, then choose the Assign Limit to Profiles option next to the limit information.
  4. Select the search profiles to which the search limit will be available. For more information, see Fields: Select Profiles.
  5. Choose OK to save your changes, or choose Cancel to discard your changes and return to Search Limits.

After you make a search limit available to profiles, you must edit the profiles to enable the search limit and specify how the limit will be used for those profiles. You can specify whether search limits are optional or enforced, determine whether to allow patrons to see unrestricted search results, or specify the default optional search limit for a profile. For more information, see Editing search profiles to use search limits.

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